Everyone is aware of the IJSBA regulations, see IJSBA Rulebook 2016 for
all technical specs and regulations.
The JC crew has no opinion but a supervisory / advisory role to ensure fair play
Program:The schedule is strictly adhered to, changes are reported by the stewards, make sure you arrive in good time.
Saturday: training start 15:00 20 min per classup to 5 or 7 runabout skis on the water at the same timerescue service coordinates technical safety inspection starts 18:45 hrs
Sunday: 8.30 start registration
9.00 pilot meeting
9.15 start training
10.00 start moto 1
after each heat follows the race results and one has max 30 min to object
18:30 ceremony
Comments and questions can be placed at the juryIf a direct answer can not be given you will be asked to fill out a comment formAfter each heat questions will be dealed with if possible We ask
everyone to read the below extensive rules and regulations pdf file: